DriveTribe: This Vantablack BMW is the darkest car in the world
Mike Fernie gives us a walkaround of this ultra dark car and discovers the science behind Vantablack’s ability to be the blackest of black.
Watch videoThe Ultimate Murdered out X6 – BMW x VANTABLACK
Lots of people like a black car, be it gloss or matte, it can be a cool and interesting way to show off the lines of a car.
Watch VideoVantablack CX2 and S-IR Launching to International Space Station Aboard Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus spacecraft
Watch videoMeet the BMW VB X6 Vantablack.
BMW is the first manufacturer to produce a Vantablack car, painted with light-absorbing paint that has been dubbed “the Ultimate Black.” This exclusive show car is the result of a collaboration between BMW and Surrey NanoSystems, inventors of the Vantablack technology. The BMW X6’s super black, non-reflective paint makes it unique: coated in a color with only 1% reflectance.
Watch VideoCarbon nanotubes built this bizarre ultrablack material
We explore how nanotubes help comprise Vantablack, and how ultrablack materials are actually used around the world.
Watch videoThe World’s Blackest Material – An Inside Look At Vantablack
“It is often described as the closest thing to a black hole humans will ever see.”
Watch videoReactions to World’s Blackest Material
“It looks like a rip in space!”
Watch videoStupéfiant! Vantablack
En achetant l’usage exclusif du Vantablack, l’artiste Anish Kapoor a plongé le monde de l’art dans la fureur.
Watch videoBBC The One Show
Marty Jopson investigates this blackest of black colour “Vantablack”, that has been invented, what it does, and what uses it may have in the future.
Watch VideoLynx Black
Promo video: The blackest material known to man, Vantablack® has been applied to a consumer product – a Lynx Black can – for the first time.
Watch videoLynx Black Teaser Trailer
Be prepared to see the darkest item on the planet.
Watch videoLynx Vantablack – Behind the Scenes
The blackest material known to man, Vantablack® has been applied to a Lynx Black can. Check out this behind the scenes video.
Watch videoDarkest thing on Earth helps see into space
A UK company has created a substance that can absorb 99.9% of all light, and it’s changing everything from art to space exploration.
Watch videoSky News: Swipe | The Blackest Material On Earth
In this week’s show, Thomas Newton is at a lab in Surrey where the world’s darkest material has been created.
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